An Unlisted Youtube Video


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Launched on 28 December 2014, Unlisted Videos is a website by Statistical Consultants Ltd. Where people can submit, search for, and watch those unlisted YouTube videos. It has no registration required. Conclusion on Unlisted YouTube Videos. We have covered the meaning of an unlisted YouTube video If you have secret content or want to share your videos with specific groups, you can use the unlisted feature of YouTube. The only thing that you need to do is changing the privacy settings of the video. YouTube Public videos, YouTube private videos, and YouTube unlisted videos, despite their differences, provide a sense of security. It includes features to cater to a niche audience. With diversified features, YouTube is one step ahead to grab the attention of the users. YouTube wants to give you the excellent service that you need.

May 29, 2018
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Good afternoon everyone! I have uploaded a few videos to my channel and set them to 'unlisted' with the intent on making them 'public' at a time of my choosing. That way when it's time to go public, it's an easy change versus the 30 minute video upload process when I want a video to go public.
What I found is when I change a video from unlisted to public, and check my subscriptions from another YouTube account where I'm subscribed to the account in question, the previously unlisted and now public video does not show as a new upload.
My question: is there a way to force YouTube to show a previously uploaded but unlisted video as a recent upload without deleting and re-uploading the video?
Thank you,

When uploading a video to YouTube, you can change the privacy settings for that video to Public, Private, or Unlisted.


Public is the default setting and that means anybody can see your video.

How To Make An Unlisted Youtube Video

Private means only those you invite to view the video can view it (they must have their own Youtube accounts and the maximum number is 50 usernames). Your video will not come up under any search results or your channel list. If you try to share it with someone who wasn’t invited, they will not be able to connect to it.

Can An Unlisted Youtube Video Be Embedded

Unlisted means your video will not come up in search results or on your channel either. Only those who know the link can view it, and you can share the link with anyone, even those who do not have a YouTube account/username. This means that this video could still be seen by anyone, but only if they guess the link!

How To Post An Unlisted Youtube Video

If your video is already uploaded, go to your video manager under the drop down menu and you can change the privacy settings for each video as well as DELETE your videos permanently.