Cannot Locate Internet Server Or Proxy Server Excel 2011

We had the same issue, but found it was not a server side problem, actually it was a client proxy setting that was missing. Once we conferred about what proxy setting was used to allow the user to access the data connection the issue disappeared. To locate the Proxy Settings dialog box in Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Internet Options, click Connections, and then click Proxy Settings. You have selected the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box that is on the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog box.

  1. Cannot Locate Internet Server Or Proxy Server Excel 2011 Full
  2. Cannot Locate Internet Server Or Proxy Server Excel

Cannot Locate Internet Server Or Proxy Server Excel 2011 Full

This tab contains the most important settings changes in which can cause serious troubles in the terminal operation as far as the full disconnection. The client terminal is initially configured in the way providing normal, trouble-free operation. Thus, it is highly recommended not to change any parameters in this window needlessly.

In the 'Settings – Server' window, it is possible:

  • to choose a server to connect to;
  • to configure the proxy server;
  • to specify and change passwords;
  • to enable export of quotes through DDE protocol;
  • to enable income of news.

Server #

Practically, the entire work of the Client Terminal is based on data (news and quotes) continuously incoming from the server. If a client terminal does not receive quotes, it is impossible to trade with it. In such a mode, the terminal allows just to analyze the existing data with indicators and line studies and test expert advisors. This situation can emerge for a number of reasons, one of them is incorrect setting of the server connection.

For connecting the client terminal to the server, the exact server IP address (or domain name) and port must be known. After the program has been installed, all these data will be specified, there is usually no need to change them. However, if there is a need to connect to another server, its address and port must be given in the 'Server' field. The data must be given in the following format: '[internet address of the server] : [port number]' (without spaces). For example: '', where '' is the server address, and '443' is the port number. After the data have been input, the 'OK' button must be pressed.

The newly set server address and port number are stored on the hard disk. These data do not influence the operation of the client terminal until an attempt to open a new account is made. It is this moment when the terminal starts using of these given address and port number. The new server address will be added to the list of servers during account registration, and it can be chosen. If connection to the server succeeds, the new account will be opened. Otherwise, it is recommended to check all settings and try to reconnect.

Attention: Incorrect connection setting is not the only reason for which a new account cannot be opened.

Proxy Server #

Cannot locate internet server or proxy server excel 2011 free

Connection to internet through a proxy server can be another reason for which the server cannot be connected to. A proxy server is an intermediate between the trader's computer and the trading server. It is mostly used by internet providers or by local networks. If a connection problem occurs, you should turn to your systems administrator or to the internet provider. If a proxy is used, the terminal must be set up in a corresponding way. Setting of 'Enable proxy server' checkbox will enable proxy server support and activate the 'Proxy...' button. Pressing of this button will open the window where proxy server parameters should be specified (these data can be given by the systems administrator or by internet provider):

  • Server – proxy server address and type (HTTP, SOCKS5, or SOCKS4);
  • Login – a user login for access to the proxy server. If login is not needed, this field must remain empty;
  • Password – a password for access to the proxy server. If password is not needed, this field must remain empty.

After the parameters have been specified, it is recommended to press the 'Test' button to check how the settings work. If they have been tested successfully, the 'OK' button must be pressed in order the settings to be effective. Error message means that the proxy server was set up incorrectly. To find out about the reasons, the system administrator or internet provider must be contacted again.

Account and Login #

Client terminal can connect to the server and work only using an account. There are login (the account number), master and investor passwords in the Client Terminal. To be authorized, one needs an account number and one of two passwords. The master password allows the full access to the account, while the investor one gives only a limited access. Being authorized with the investor password gives the right to look through charts, perform technical analysis and test expert advisors, but not trade. Investor password is a convenient tool showing the trading process at this given account.

After the account has been opened and if 'Keep personal settings and data at startup' option is enabled, its data (number, master and investor passwords) will be stored at the hard disk. At the program restart, these data will be used to connect the account automatically. If the option is disabled, a password must be entered manually at each restart of the terminal. Also if you disable this option, the information about previously used account and saved passwords will be deleted upon the next restart of the terminal.

The current account number and password are specified in the fields of 'Login' and 'Password'. Data of another account can be input in these fields, then, after the 'OK' button has been pressed, the terminal will try to authorize it. If authorization was not successfully completed, the data given should be checked and re-authorized. If this does not help, the Technical Support service should be contacted.

Having pressed the 'Change' button, one can specify new passwords in the window appeared. Doing so, one has to know the current password. It can be found in the message sent from the server after registration of a demo account. The new password is input in the corresponding field. If the 'Change investor (read only) password' option is enabled, the investor (not master) password will be changed.

Cannot locate internet server or proxy excel

Data Export through DDE Protocol #

Quotes delivered to the terminal can be exported to other applications through 'DDE' (Dynamic Data Exchange) protocol. To enable export of quotes, the 'Enable DDE server' option must be enabled and the 'OK' button must be pressed. Data delivery will start immediately. More details about export of quotes can be found in the corresponding section.

News #

Terminal allows to receive financial news promptly. They start to income just after connection to the server. No news issued when the terminal was disconnected will income in it. To enable news delivering, it is necessary to flag 'Enable news'. In the 'Terminal' window, the 'News' tab will appear in which news will be delivered as they are issued.

Attention: If the 'Enable news' option is enabled, but no news were issued, the 'News' tab will not appear in the 'Terminal' window.

Cannot Locate Internet Server Or Proxy Server Excel

Cyber attacks may not be a new phenomenon but the recent successes scored against high-profile targets including CitiGroup, Google, RSA and government contractors such as Lockheed Martin underscore the targets' current failure to block security threats enabled by the Internet. Malicious hackers use the very same technology that enables online banking, entertainment and myriad other communication services to attack these very applications, steal user data, and then cover their own tracks.
One common practice that attackers employ to evade detection is to break into poorly secured computers and use those hijacked systems as proxies through which they can launch and route attacks worldwide. Although such attacks are an international problem, there is no international response, which frustrates local law enforcement seeking cooperation from countries where these proxy servers typically reside.
Address unknown
Every day seems to bring news of some new cyber attack. 'We're seeing more reports on invasive attacks on a much more regular basis,' says Chris Bronk, an information technology policy research fellow at Rice University's James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy and a former U.S. State Department diplomat.
The hardest problem in finding the source of these attacks is attribution. Each data packet sent over the Internet contains information about its source and its destination. 'The source field can be changed [spoofed] by an attacker to make it seem like it's coming from someplace it's not,' says Sami Saydjari, president of the cyber-security consultancy Cyber Defense Agency and a former program manager of information assurance at the Defense Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA).
'If your network is under attack and you're trying to find out who's doing it, purely technical means are insufficient for that,' says David Nicol, director of the Information Trust Institute at the University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign. 'The way that we assemble complicated networks of computers until recently hasn't been done at all with security in mind except in a cursory way, and that's the fundamental problem.'
By way of example, Nicol points out that he uses a virtual private network that connects to a proxy server before connecting him to the Internet. This enables him to encrypt data he sends over the network and protect the identity of his own Internet protocol (IP) address. 'I do this to thwart information harvesting that commercial Web sites usually have,' he adds. 'I've got nothing to hide but that doesn't mean I want information about me harvested and sold.'
Unfortunately, such tactics are also employed for malicious purposes. Cyber attackers use viruses, worms and other malware to take control of Internet servers or even personal computers, creating a network of 'zombie' computers (also called botnets) under their control that they can use to launch their attacks. As a result, an attack may appear to come from a particular server or computer, but this does not mean the attack originated at that device, Nicol says, adding that often a string of proxies located in different countries are used in an attack, 'greatly complicating the legal process of trying to piece it all together.'
Spear phishing
One of the primary methods of creating zombies is by getting computer users to unwittingly infect their computers by opening e-mails and Web pages containing malware. 'If you look at the way RSA was penetrated, it was not terribly sophisticated, nothing on the order of Stuxnet, which was probably the most sophisticated attack we've seen in recent memory,' says Anup Ghosh, a research professor and chief scientist at George Mason University's Center for Secure Information Systems. 'Most of these attacks are executed using conventional exploits. What's different is they're using these exploits in new ways.'
In the case of RSA hackers used 'spear phishing' e-mails to trip up someone within the company, says Ghosh, also the founder and CEO of cyber security technology maker Invincea, Inc. The offending e-mail purported to be a document about staff hiring issues and had been caught by the company's spam filter. The employee opened the e-mail, thinking it had been erroneously quarantined by the filter. The e-mail actually contained an Excel document that, once opened, installed malware on the employee's computer and from there spread to other computers within the company. 'This machine wasn't the target, it was the beachhead,' Ghosh says.
To make matters worse, RSA CEO Art Coviello confirmed earlier this week that information taken from RSA in March had been used as an element of an attempted broader attack on Lockheed Martin.
Possible defenses
There is no shortage of software and services available for trying to prevent cyber attacks. Many approaches involve scanning incoming data for possible malware and screening spam e-mail laden with viruses or containing suspicious messages.
Beyond having better network intrusion detection systems, 'we need a system of cooperative intrusion detection and trace-back among different countries,' Saydjari says. 'That doesn't solve the problem but it narrows it down. Right now, you can trace traffic back to a particular country, but it's very difficult to get any visibility into where within the country the packets originated.'
Another important component of cyber defense is to improve security on the computers themselves. This means operating systems with fewer vulnerabilities—Microsoft distributes dozens of security patches for Windows every month, and that is an improvement over just a few years ago. 'That will decrease the number of zombies and increase the level of difficulty with which adversaries can seize control of computers and do this hopscotching from computer to computer,' Saydjari says.
Perhaps the most effective defense, however, is for computer users to demonstrate some cyber street-smarts. 'You never know what tactic the attackers will take, especially when it comes to spear phishing,' Ghosh says. As a result, it is difficult to keep people from being duped into clicking on spam—thinking it is a message from their bank, a delivery service or someone else they think they can trust—and running the risk of infecting their computers with a virus. 'You can train and train and train users but you're not going to get to zero percent,' he adds.