Electribe 2 Pattern Set

Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:14 am Marco Filipe: Sticky: HARDWARE WISH-LIST for FUTURE PA models (Hardware only) Goto page: 1. 4, 5, 6 89: karmathanever: 51389: Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:03 pm duby2: Sticky: Bonusware review SET for PA4X (now 01-42) Goto page: 1, 2, 3 40: karmathanever: 20695: Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:39 pm Vyodacoda: Headphones: 0: taichi. A 9V power adapter is supplied too but for making music on the move, the Electribe 2 can run on six AA batteries, promising five hours from a full set of nickel–metal hydrides. A micro–USB B socket on the side is your route to direct PC or Mac MIDI connectivity, although you’ll need to source the cable yourself.

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for ENSONIQ ASR-X Advanced Sampler/Resampler Sequencer 100-240V at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Korg Electribe All New 203 Patterns Summer 2016 With Chain Function 2.02 Firmware.

Device Overview

Name/Version:Electribe2 Pattern Editor 026
Description:Electribe2 Pattern Editor version 026
The Electribe2 Pattern Editor can be used to bring patches (parts) and sequences of various Electribe2 patterns together in new patterns. Editing of sequences is also possible. You can use your Electribe2 now for turning the dials. A Launchpad (original, S or mini) can be used to edit the sequence.
Version 026:
- MIDI support for Electribe2 dials
- MIDI support for Novation Launchpad for the sequencer
- View selector: Parameters, Sequence or Wide
- Open- and Save Dialogs
- Layout changes
- Bugfixes
Version 018:
- Number display for Gate Time and Velocity edit
Version 016:
- Added a Windows stand alone version for MAX 6 (runtime)
Version 015:
- Added editor for sequences
- Added grid for 8 drum parts
Version 012:
- Added editing of the Part Parameters.
Version 011:
- Added editing of the Global Parameters.
Version 010:
- First release. Loading and saving of .E2PAT files works, loading and saving of parts and sequences is also possible. This is the minimum functionality to let this editor work as a librarian.
Next step:
- MIDI IO to Electribe2
The working is simple. First you have to drop an E2Pat file (exported from the electribe2). You can select a current part by clicking on it's name. Then it is possible to save the current part or the current sequence or a combination of them to disc. This way you can create a library of patches (parts) and sequences.
To create a new pattern you have to load an .E2PAT file as a starter. Then you can Select parts and drop parts and sequences from you library. Then you save the new .E2PAT fale and import is into you Electribe2.
Of course the Electribe2 Pattern Editor is freeware. All sources are included.
Please feel free to comment on this and make suggestions for improvement.
Electribe forum:

Device Details

Tagsutility, hardware, beta
Live Version Used:9.1.6
Max Version Used:6.1.9
Date Added:Feb 08 2015 06:36:02
Date Last Updated:Mar 01 2015 12:18:13
Average Rating (2) 5
Rate this device:(must be logged in to rate devices login)
Device Type:midi_device
URL (optional):
License (more info):None

Device Files

Device File:Electribe2_Pattern_Editor_026.zip


Very good device. Thank you

thanks for good helper. Nice work. Greetz Benny
Than's for your good work xanadu !
What do you think about a Random switch in the program ?
Switching some parameters randomly to generate some new sounds :)
Hipe you answer :) Greetings !

Electribe 2 Pattern Settings

Thanks, the device looks cool but I can't get it to work. I'm trying to load a PAT file directly from the card in the computer with no luck. I assume that once it's loaded into your editor I will be able to manipulate it. Please help.

Hi xanadu!
I habe a question: Where did you get any documentation about the *.e2pat files from?
Is ther any doc online available?
Thanks in advance,

thanks for your work that help us

Thanks for this, very useful. I would like to extend it to work with the Electribe 2 Sampler. The files are named with a different extension, and oscillator/instrument names do not match, but it kind of works already.
Would you have some pointers/suggestions as to where I might need to change the code?

Hello there.
Thank you for creating this tool, however what is missing and really needed is an app that can load .e2sallpat files and allow you to drag and drop them in different positions and order.
I would gladly pay for something like this.
@Xanadu I can help you with the interface or whatever you need. Seriously!
Thank you.

maybe it's a stupid question, but does this work with the Korg ESX1 as well?

Hello there.
Any chances that we can edit .e2sallpat files (instead of just .e2pat)?

Good evening, this Pattern Editor also works with the version: electribe_system_v202?
? spacy

Anyone managed to edit this to work on the sampler version?

It won't save.
Nifty device but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
When I edit a part it just reverts back to original. When I try to save a part or pattern it never saves any adjustments. Any ideas?

Ok I read elsewhere that the electribe updates means this no longer works.

On second thoughts, it's useful for having an overview of all the settings for a part. If you want to copy a part you just have to enter the settings manually.
It's a good way to get to know the settings rather than just copy them over blindly.
Thank you xanadu.

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So you've got a Korg Electribe 2 (or are thinking about getting one) and you want some workflow tips and tricks? You're in the right place! G.W. Childs is here to help.

Like all workstations of power, the Electribe 2 offers many ways in which one might perform, compose and simply jam out. While there are many possible workflows, I thought I might share some of my own small procedures that have really been saving me time and adding more creativity to my sessions with my Electribe 2.

1. Clear Sequence Not Pattern

As you get to know the Electribe 2, you quickly discover that it does not save patches, like a regular synth, or sampler. And that the Patterns, especially the artist or manufacturer produced patches, have some of the best, and most produced sounds, or ‘parts’. If you want to create some original sequences of your own with the manufacturer produced parts, then try this:

Hold down the Shift button and press the 6th button over from the left, on the bottom row. This brings the Clear Sequence function up, where you can remove the musical sequence for the Part in which you are currently working. But, the Part settings, like FX, Modulation, Motion Recordings and more are left.

If you use the Part buttons, you can keep the Clear Sequence Function up, and just press Part Left (Or, Part Right), multiple times, till all parts are cleared. Suddenly, you’ve got a palette of 16 sounds to work with, within a pattern, and no sequences assigned. Go to town!

Electribe 2 Pattern Set Up Tool

2. Save For Success

The last tip offers a way to free up manufacturer (or anyone else’s) patterns from sequences, so you can use the Parts, within the Electribe 2 Patterns for your own music. And, while it’s really cool, you may not want to have to go back through and clear things up, every time you want to start a new song, or just a jam session. I actually kind of like clearing up several patterns of sequences that I know I’ll use the Parts of. For example: I may choose a pattern within my Electribe 2 out of manufacturer pattern 019 Tricky Slippy 2, simply for the Part sounds. I like the drums, bass, orchestra hit, and so on. There’s nothing I would change.

I can save this pattern without the sequences to either the same pattern number ‘019’. Or, I can save it with a new name and simply call it Tricky Kit, by holding down the Shift button, and then pressing Write. By changing the name, I let ‘future me’ know that this pattern is only sounds, and that I can start ‘tricking’ on it, as soon as I pull it up. If I store several patterns like this, I am never stuck in a moment of having to come up with things on the fly. Or I never leave myself in a situation where I’m frantically clearing parts before I perform. I just pull up one of my kits, and start free-styling, performing, or simply having fun.

Tip: Korg released a large number of patterns over the summer for the Electribe 2. While you may not be into the sequences themselves, you might really enjoy using some of the Parts within those sounds for your own ideas, workflows and sound edits.

3. Choose Wisely


The Electribe 2s both give you multiple ways of choosing Parts, through either the Part buttons, through triggering different parts in trigger mode, and so on. One really easy way to do this, without having to trigger anything, is to hold down either the Trigger, Sequencer, Keyboard, or Chord buttons, and then press the Pad assigned to the part you’d like to assume control over. This allows you to silently jump on to different parts during sets, performances and recordings without clueing in your audience that you are part switching. And, once the shortcut becomes second nature, I feel, that this shortcut goes a long way in making you feel like you have a little more control.

4. Make New From Old

If you’re rocking the Electribe 2 Synth, and do not have a way to bring in new samples of your own, and you’re running out of drums, you might want to enable the Amp EG (Amplitude Envelope Generator) and trim down the decay, or attack. By adjusting either parameter on an existing raw sample (or oscillator) within the Oscillator section, you can easily create new sounds. Especially if you adjust the pitch, in addition to trimming from the head and tail of the sound.

And these aren’t the only options. Korg, themselves, threw in an additional, and much appreciated feature, with the Edit knob, over in the Oscillator section. Slowly turning the Edit knob will also reveal additional tweaks, effects and dynamic shifts. So, don’t even think for a second that you’re limited with the sound. In fact, Korg has supplied you with enough audio building blocks to keep you tweaking for a long time.

5. Scale It

A common strategy for building songs is through making multiple patterns. Heck, that’s really the entire gist of the Electribe. And, while this is cool, with pattern sequencing, it can get a little old having to re-sequence a bass, arp, or other accompanying pattern, every time you want to add a new section to a song. With Scale Mode, you can speed this process up immensely. Try this out:

Start off sequencing a basic pattern consisting of bass, drums, and maybe a lead that pops in here and there.

Then, for the bass and lead parts that you created, set both of these parts to Scale Mode: On.

Now, when I change the Key of the Pattern, within the Program Menu, you’ll notice that the bass and the lead change keys, accordingly along with the Pattern Key. Sadly, their key change is instantaneous. So, it can be a little tricky changing the key to your pattern in real time. Hopefully, Korg will make this feature cue and play along with the Pattern Changes, in the future. This would mean you could guide your song simply by turning a knob. Maybe they’ll make it where you can Key Scale using a MIDI controller?!


The Electribe 2s are powerful, amazing, and great sounding machines. And, like all machines, they have quirks, as well as serious pros. I’m hoping that with some of these tips, music making with your Electribe 2 will seem a little more straight forward.

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