Flat Package Editor 2008

File Connection Manager in SSIS. The File Connection Manager in SSIS enables SQL Server Integration Services packages to connect with the Files and Folders present in the File System. The SSIS File Connection Manager not only allows us to connect with existing files and folder but also creates New files and folders at run time. In my flat file connection manager I have defined numeric columns with the numericDTNUMERIC data type and varchar columns with the stringDTSTR data type. The columns I am trying to import to are all nullable and have no default values. My environment is SQL Server 2005 on a 64bit server running windows server 2008.

Flat Package Editor For Mac 2008 Download Site The flat assembler is made by a single person - Tomasz Grysztar - as a hobby project. Although it is an open-source freeware, donations are appreciated to help cover cost and time-loss.It is a great help in maintaining this project.If you would like to make a donation to the author, please click. STEP 2: Drag and drop Flat File Source and OLE DB Destination from the toolbox to the data flow region. Double click on Flat File Source in the data flow region will open the Flat File Source Editor to configure the connection manager settings. If you haven’t created Flat File Connection Manager before click on the New button.

A common question with SSIS is how to handle adding headers and footers to a flat file when the format is different that the data rows. This gets more difficult when the header or footer needs to contain data based on the actual data rows, such as a total or a record count.

Basically, this can be accomplished by creating the header or footer in a separate task, and then prefixing or appending it to the data. I’ve prepared a sample package that shows a couple of different ways to accomplish this. For generating footers, it shows how to use a second data flow to append an additional row onto the footer. There are two methods shown for adding headers. Method 1 uses a Script task to add the header by loading the file into a string, adding the header, and saving the file again. Method 2 creates a separate header file, and uses a file copy operation to concatenate the two files.

There a couple of things to note about the package. There are three flat file connection managers defined in the package.


Two of the connection managers (Destination and DestinationWithFooter) point to the same file, but have different column definitions. All three have their connection strings set by expressions that point to variables. If you want to change the target files, you need to modify the variables, not the connection managers.

The DestinationFile variables holds the path to a working file, which will hold the data before the headers and footers are added. The DestinationHeader variable holds the path to a working file used only for method 2, which holds the header row before it is concatenated into the final file. The FinalFile variable holds the path to the final output file, which includes the header, data, and footer rows.

The Generate File data flow uses a Data Generator component from Konesans (a free download from www.sqlis.com). It simply generates some data, captures the number of rows using a Row Count transform, and outputs it to the Destination connection manager.

Flat Package Editor 2008

The Append Footer and Create a Header File data flows are very similar. They both use a Script source to generate a single row containing the footer or header data, respectively. The script is below.


The two differ in the way the destination is handled. In the Append Footer data flow, the Flat File destination is set to append to the file, rather than overwriting it. It uses the DestinationWithFooter connection manager, which points to the same file that the data was sent to in the Generate File data flow. The DestinationWithFooter connection manager defines the file as having a single column. That makes it easier to append the footer row directly to the file. After the Append Footer data flow task has run, there is a single file that has the data rows and a footer row.

Flat Package Editor

In the Create a Header File data flow, the header row is sent to a new file. Then, in the Append Files execute process task, the header and the data file are concatenated together using a copy command. This is Method 2 for adding the header.

For Method 1, the Add Header script tasks uses the System.IO.File class and the System.Text.StringBuilder class to create a new file containing the header row and the data rows, which already has the footer included.

Hopefully this example is helpful, if you are trying to sort through the options for adding headers and footers. The example is available on my Skydrive here.


Flat Package Editor 2008 Download

Applies to: SQL Server (all supported versions) SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory

The error output of the Lookup Currency Key transformation redirects any data rows that failed the lookup to the Script transformation operation. To provide more information about the errors that occurred, the Script transformation runs a script that gets each error's description.

In this task, you save all this information about the failed rows to a delimited text file for later processing. To save the failed rows, you add and configure a Flat File connection manager for the text file that contains the error data and a Flat File destination. By setting properties on the Flat File connection manager that the Flat File destination uses, you can specify how the Flat File destination formats and writes the text file. For more information, see Flat File connection manager and Flat File destination.

Flat Package Editor Download

Add and configure a Flat File destination

Flat Package Editor 2008 Download

  1. Select the Data Flow tab.

  2. In the SSIS Toolbox, expand Other Destinations, and drag Flat File Destination onto the data flow design surface. Put the Flat File Destination directly underneath the Get Error Description transformation.

  3. Select the Get Error Description transformation, and then drag the blue arrow onto the new Flat File Destination.

  4. On the Data Flow design surface, select the name Flat File Destination in the new Flat File Destination transformation, and change that name to Failed Rows.

  5. Right-click the Failed Rows transformation, select Edit, and then in the Flat File Destination Editor, select New.

  6. In the Flat File Format dialog box, verify that Delimited is selected, and then select OK.

  7. In the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, in the Connection Manager Name box enter Error Data.

  8. In the Flat File Connection Manager Editor dialog box, select Browse, and locate the folder in which to store the file.

  9. In the Open dialog box, for File name, enter ErrorOutput.txt, and then select Open.

  10. In the Flat File Connection Manager Editor dialog box, verify that Locale is English (United States) and Code page is 1252 (ANSI-Latin I).

  11. In the options pane, select Columns.

    In addition to the columns from the source data file, there are three new columns: ErrorCode, ErrorColumn, and ErrorDescription. These columns are the error output of the Lookup Currency Key transformation and the script in the Get Error Description transformation. You can use these columns to troubleshoot the cause of the failed row.

  12. Select OK.

  13. In the Flat File Destination Editor, clear the Overwrite data in the file check box.

    Clearing this check box persists the errors over multiple package executions by appending each new run's error output.

  14. In the Flat File Destination Editor, select Mappings to verify that all the columns are correct. Optionally, you can rename the columns in the destination.

  15. Select OK.

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