In Microsoft Excel Which Color Is Blue-gray Text 2


  1. In Microsoft Excel Which Color Is Blue-gray Text 2018
  2. Where Is Blue Gray Text 2 In Excel
  3. In Microsoft Excel Which Color Is Blue-gray Text 2016

Like the Microsoft brand palette, the SharePoint themes are designed to build on the Microsoft brand, while at the same time allowing for flexibility to enliven our partnerships without dominating them. They reveal our shared goals and personality, and they reflect our diversity and ability to optimize the SharePoint experience.

Main colors


Apply the Blue-Gray, Text 2 cell fill color to the range A2:F2. Apply White, Background 1 font color to the merged range A2:F2. Bold the contents of merged range A2:F2 and then apply the Arial font and a 20 point font size to the merged range. Step 2: In the Excel Options dialog box, click the Advanced button at left bar. Step 3: Scroll to the Display options for this worksheet section, and select the current working worksheet. Step 3: Find out the Gridline Color item, and click the Fill color button to change the gridline color. Step 4: Click OK button. The new cell’s fill color is plotted in the Colors dialog. Click OK to insert this color into Recent Colors. Return to the chart, right click the next series click the Fill button, mouse over the new color in the chooser, and the color is previewed in the series. Here’s the chart, 2/5 of the way done.

The SharePoint color palette is now optimized for screens and devices. In addition, it is optimized to provide enough flexibility to ensure continuity with your brand. The SharePoint-provided colors also guarantee accessible and legible experiences.

Neutral palette

Neutral colors recede into the background to let our products shine. They allow brand colors to pop when we need to draw attention to content. When coupling neutrals with brand colors, make sure there is suitable contrast between them.

black: #000000
neutralDark: #212121
neutralPrimary: #333333
neutralPrimaryAlt: #3c3c3c
neutralSecondary: #666666
neutralTertiary: #a6a6a6
neutralTertiaryAlt: #c8c8c8
neutralQuaternary: #d0d0d0
neutralQuaternaryAlt: #dadada
neutralLight: #eaeaea
neutralLighter: #f4f4f4
neutralLighterAlt: #f8f8f8
white: #ffffff

Shades and tints

After you select a color, light and dark shades of the accent color are created based on HSB values of color luminosity. Web parts and apps can use shade variations to create visual hierarchy and provide an indication of interaction.

In Microsoft Excel Which Color Is Blue-gray Text 2018

themeDarker: #004578
themeDark: #005a9e
themeDarkAlt: #106ebe
themePrimary: #0078d4
themeSecondary: #2b88d8
themeTertiary: #71afe5
themeLight: #c7e0f4
themeLighter: #deecf9
themeLighterAlt: #eff6fc

Where Is Blue Gray Text 2 In Excel

Dark themes

SharePoint includes a palette that supports dark themes. The SharePoint-provided colors guarantee accessible and legible experiences.


The following design principles helped form the current SharePoint themes and color palette.


Our theming system works at a global level so that updates can be made consistently across each site, allowing users to optimize their websites effortlessly. Our theming system operates in a controlled environment so that successful outcomes can be optimized quickly.


Smart and efficient

Our theming system expedites the site creation process by using smart algorithms to generate options that maximize aesthetic choices.


Our themes embody a professional look and feel that ensures coherency and conveys the brand of our enterprise audiences.


Our built-in accessibility checker ensures universal design at all levels of default themes. For users who decide to customize, we provide helpful guidelines to design for accessibility.

In Microsoft Excel Which Color Is Blue-gray Text 2016

See also