Run Clickteam Fusion Games On

Here you can find several tutorial documents to help with building games with Firefly and Clickteam Fusion


  1. Clickteam Fusion 2.5 is the latest in the famous range of game creation software from Clickteam and now comes in a completely free edition! Containing all of the editors, interfaces and clever ideas that have made our previous titles so successful, now anyone on any budget can start developing powerful games and apps for free!
  2. I saw some clickteam fusion 2.5 games on the switch eshop, (the five nights at freddy's series and freedom planet for example), and I want to know how to port a clickteam fusion 2.5 game to switch, do I need to have an expansion pack, do I need to contact someone from clickteam, and how miuch money do I need to port?

Firefly takes advantage of the Event Editor's ease of programming. However even with that advantage, 3d game development can be a daunting task. Clickteam and many of our outstanding users have provided the following Tutorials to help walk you through different types of game projects with the hopes of speeding up that process for you.

Video Tutorials

Made With Media Fusion Gallery. Every thing on this page is made in MMF2 and Click Team Fusion 2.5 and one video of The Games Factory games as well. Videos are Ordered Oldest at the top newest at the bottom. Chowdren is a blazingly fast runtime for Clickteam Fusion and Scirra Construct. It's cross-platform, running under desktop, mobile and console platforms. It is currently used for Mechanical Head, Yacht Club Games (2021): Cyber Shadow (Windows, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One).

Further reading:

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Neo Run Out

Clickteam AMA on Reddit


Dec 7th, 2013

We are Clickteam, Creators of Multimedia Fusion 2, Kilk & Play and Clickteam Fusion 2.5, Ask us Anything [AMA] (self.IAmA)

submitted 6 days ago by Kisguri

We have been developing the “Click” line of programming tools enabling anyone to create 2d games or apps with ease, This week our newest version comes out and we are in this weeks Humble Bundle. So we thought a great time to let you guys pick our founders Yves and Francois’s brain or harass the rest of the team, Jeff, Chris (Kisguri), James, Anders, Nico, Simon and Fernando. ASK US ANYTHING

Creating Klik & Play, Developer license agreement & User-created games.


Run clickteam fusion games once

Hey guys, first of all I want to say that without the ‘96 version of the games factory, I probably wouldn’t be making games myself today, so mega thanks for that :) Anyway, questions (sorry if some are a little dry)!

1) how did you come up with the ‘table’ style event editor in the first place? I had become pretty snobby about it since learning to program myself, but looking back I think it’s the perfect way to illustrate logic to people making their first games.

2) According to the product comparison’s page on your site, the version of Multimedia Fusion need to have various logos in place, and the developer must accept an agreement, where is the agreement/logos and how do they have to be included?

3) Out of all the tools you have made since releasing KnP, which games made with them that surprised you most? (in terms of technical achievements, artistic or otherwise)

Kisguri (Clickteam):
3) One game that blows me away with it’s visuals would be with out a doubt Really Big Sky. The cool thing with Fusion is you can spend more time on design and content then banging your head against the wall with code issues. One of my recent favorites would be Dungeon Dashers as well.

Yves (Clickteam):

1) Originally we wanted to make a language, but the publisher hadn’t the money for it so we had to find another idea, we thought of making a tool without language and then Francois had the idea of the event editor to replace the language. Don’t ask how he got this idea :)

Kisguri (Clickteam):

1) Years ago Francois and Yves came up with the idea and in a single night planned out how to do it. Maybe he can shed more light on it, Most of CT is new to Reddit is apparently being held back to a post every 8 minutes. But I know Yves wants to answer that one.

As far as logos are concerned, Yes if you do not buy Developer the agreement requires you to include the logo, Something we have never honestly inforced. We hope that the tool itself has proven it’s worth to the user making a commercial title and would throw us some credit if they felt it deserved.

Man as far as games that impress me personally their are a ton of them, We did a 20 event contest a few years back where you had to make a entire game in 20 event lines or less, the one cat rolled up with a full blown RTS game with less the 20 events. AMAZING

Developer license agreement

IAEL- Casey

According to the product comparison’s page on your site, the version of Multimedia Fusion need to have various logos in place, and the developer must accept an agreement, where is the agreement/logos and how do they have to be included?

Kisguri (Clickteam):

As far as Logos are concerned, Yes if you do not buy Developer the agreement requires you to include the logo, Something we have never honestly inforced. We hope that the tool itself has proven it’s worth to the user making a commercial title and would throw us some credit if they felt it deserved.

Jeff (Clickteam):

In the help file is the runtime agreement which will tell you the logo and credit listing required for the standard version of MMF 2 and Fusion 2.5

The logos are included there also

The developer version doesn’t have any requirements in this area.

User-created games & Fusion 2.5 on Steam


Hi. Thanks for throwing Fusion out at such a low price. I’m excited to play with it.

I tried to install it this morning and at the registration part it just sat there. I hit next and it continued to sit there. Left it up for around 20 minutes and nothing happened. Were the servers just bogged down or what?

As for a non tech support question, what is the most surprising thing you’ve seen someone make using your tools?

Kisguri (Clickteam):

Indeed it is due to server overload. Let me know if you continue to have the problem. Should be good now. Hope you enjoy MMF2, if you end up liking it we decided last night that Humble Bundlers can also upgrade to CF2.5 our latest version of the tool at the upgrade price.

I use the tool professionally myself, and last year I found myself hired by major oil companies to develop apps using the tool. That was amazing to me! Let’s see what others at CT think?


Any chance 2 will be added to Steam or just 2.5? Just curious.

Kisguri (Clickteam):

We are debating the merits of adding MMF2 to Steam as well, we will let you know what we come up with.

EU shop, Company history & MMF3


Question 1. When european shop will open?

Question 2. How did the company start up?

Question 3. About MMF3/CF3 What are your current thoughts on it, what are you thinking to add/change with it. And also do you know 2.5 owners will get discount when it will come out.

Yves (Clickteam):

When it’s fixed.. We have an invoice problem with the new shop :(

Run Clickteam Fusion Games Once

We created the product line in 1993/1994 (Klik & Play and then The Games Factory, Corel Click & Create, IMSI Multimedia Fusion) and then we created our own company in 1999.

CF3 is remade from scratch, really different. Better performance, easier to port to multiple platforms, etc.

Kisguri (Clickteam):

Indeed we have been plagued with some launch issues, We have a trained team of one monkey (all we could afford) to get it working, I will post here the moment it is.

HTML5 editor


So many hours spent on klik & play, that was the keystone of my early teens. Thank you very much, it was so much fun! I’d love to see a html5 version, almost the same as klik & play.

Kisguri (Clickteam):

We are going to release a free version of CF2.5 feature limited but will output HTML5, Keep a eye out on or our Steam product page!

Fusion 2.5 on Steam & User-created games.


Will you ever release steam keys to people who bought F2.5 through your store?

Also, did you have any “wow” moments where your community did, or created something totally unexpected with your software?

Jeff (Clickteam):

Hopefully we will get some sort of system for that in place.

But first we need to fix our current server issues, get the free version of Fusion 2.5 out and get the website all in shape.

Yes we are running late on it —- but throwing all the people and resources we can on the problem.

Just really amazed on the reception and the volume of interest of the Humble Bundle and Fusion 2.5 and it overloaded all our systems.

But we learn and this will get corrected and won’t happen next time

ScreenZoom extension


Glad to see your expectations were exceeded!

Any plans to port ScreenZoom to the windows runtime?

Yves (Clickteam):

Given the structure of the current Windows runtime porting this extension a bit complicated. So, perhaps but not sure.

Jamagic, MMF 3D & Irrlicht object


Clickteam tried to make a 3D game creation program at one point called Jamagic that didn’t seem to catch on in the same way as the rest of the Click series of products.

If you all could go back and make Jamagic all over again, what would you have done differently? Do you all ever plan on making a modern take on the concept after Fusion 3, or will you all leave it be now that things like Unity are out there and extensions like the OpenGL suite are being made?

Run Clickteam Fusion Games One

Francois (Clickteam):

We would have done a better 3d engine; The Jamagic 3D engine was not at the level of the rest of the interface; I played with Jamagic recently and could not remember how cool its editor was. If we follow the Jamagic path again, it will be in Javascript and HTML5.

Kisguri (Clickteam):

I invite other CT members to chime in, but I can tell you 3d is on our mind. The problem is we need to find a way to do 3d within the event editor, make it work in the same manner as it does with 2d in Fusion, We have some objects coming out soon based on the Irrlicht engine that are a test bed for that, they should be featured in Clickstore and we hope will be a good test bed to see if we are heading in the right direction. From the lessons we learn from it we can make a plan to move forward with 3d.


I’m sure this isn’t exactly the right thing for an AMA after that but what are the chances this Irrlicht setup will support something more than the Milkshape models the OpenGL ones use? That program can never cooperate with me in my 3D experiments.

Kisguri (Clickteam):

Animated meshes supported in the irrlicht objects forthcoming are:

B3D files (.b3d, r, skeleton) Microsoft DirectX (.x, r) (binary & text, skeleton) Milkshape (.ms3d, r, skeleton) Quake 3 models (.md3, r, morph) Quake 2 models (.md2, r, morph)

Clickteam’s first game


What was Yves and Francois’ first game project? (Game, not game creation software.)

Yves (Clickteam):

We worked on a single game together before making K&P, it was an adaptation on PC / C64 of a game called Captain Blood created by Didier Bouchon and Philippe Ulrich and published by Ere Informatique. That’s when we met (1988? not sure…). We made other games before, but not together.



Hey Clickteam! I was wondering if there was any news on the Click-store? Is that still happening?

Kisguri (Clickteam):

Yes, Clickstore is on the way, We are making sure it will be awesome. So we had to order more Awesome sauce, Apparently the stuff is on Back order. We hope before the end of the year to grace you with Clickstore.

Windows 8.1 app exporter


MMF has exporters for a lot of environments now (XNA, iOS, Android, etc.) Will there be an exporter for Windows 8.1 modern apps (as opposed to desktop apps). I’d really like to see one.

Kisguri (Clickteam) :

We would too, we are looking into this, and as long as doesn’t effect development of CF3 we will work on it. Another option would be to use a conversion wrapper on a HTML5 output. We hope to have new on the HTML5 exporter sometime next week, if all goes well!

Fusion 3


You mentioned at a click convention that you were going to do some major changes to how Fusion works behind the scenes, which should result in a major performance boost. Are these changes already in 2,5 or scheduled for 3.0.

Jeff (Clickteam):

Fusion 2.5 did have some improvements but version 3 is where its really going to change for the better.

Mac runtime


What’s the status of the Mac runtime?

Kisguri (Clickteam):

It’s in fnal debugging and testing, thanks or asking my friend!

Mac editor


What is the status on the Mac editor?

Jeff (Clickteam):

I believe when we have the Mac export module done the Mac editor would be included free with it. The Mac Export Module will cost something not sure what yet. Allows you to build MAC exe on your windows machine.

But in any event if you own Fusion 2.5 windows and want Fusion 2.5 Mac - we will have a discount deal for you.

We are still working on [the Mac editor].

Sorry I don’t have a firm timeline but we are nearing the end of our beta tests for the editor on MAC.

Note - Its not a native mac app — its still going to have the windows look and feel but it will be tweaked to run and work better and have the ability to make MAC exe.

Some people are fine just running the Windows version under Wine and such but that doesn’t build MAC exes. The Mac editor we have will.

Run clickteam fusion games online

The Games Factory box


Which one of you was responsible for the huge Games Factory box?

Yves (Clickteam):

It was someone at Europress, maybe Francois remembers…

Francois (Clickteam):

I think it was Richard Vanner and the marketing team at Europress; Europress was a big company with many people doing the marketing. Such a box was a novelty; When you know how scarce shelve space is today, this was incredible to have such a box.

Click community and ClickStore


I run a Twitter feed called @fusionscene as a way of aggregating the news I see around the scattered community in one place. I suppose an ideal situation would be to have a more organised CT site with user submissions (screened) and all examples, tutorials and articles in one place. It would certainly help the new users a lot. Is this perhaps something that the Clickstore will fulfill?

Kisguri (Clickteam):

Thank you for your consistent support, I think Clickstore will be exactly what you are asking for. It will be a place to get tutorials, sounds, opensource files, Objects, docs anything Click related, and you can access from CF2.5 as well.

Developer and Standard edition differences


What sets the developer version of Fusion 2.5 apart from the regular version? I know that there’s the logo thing which you don’t really enforce, and I know that developer extensions exist. What are the best dev-only extensions, and is there anything else for the developer version? I ask this because I have a friend who would like to know. Unfortunately the product pages don’t say a lot.

Jeff (Clickteam):

I think the biggest benefit of Developer is in the export modules.

For iOS and Android you get the In-App purchasing and ads if you have deverloper.

If your not doing iOS and Android or have no desire for in-app or ads then the standard version will save you money.

Upgrading MMF2 Standard to F2.5 Dev


The Humble Bundle MMF2 is liable for the Upgrade Pricing (39USD) Standard To Standard.

Is there possibility to upgrade to Developer, if yes at what cost? Also is 49USD upgrade after 3rd Feb for this edition?

Kisguri (Clickteam):

To upgrade to CF2.5 Dev from a MMF2 Humble Bundle one needs to put down $340.00 u.s. Note you need to upgrade from MMF2 to standard cf2.5 and then to Dev for a total of 340.00

Community activity


I have a feeling there are so many users who clicks away that we never hear of. Your FB page is about 9000 followers, but how many active users actually use mmfusion on a regular basis? And how many games are made each month? Any ideas?

Kisguri (Clickteam):

Commercially released is about maybe 6-10 a month on various platforms, much more for just projects published to the internet. This number is constantly growing. Our user community on our forums is in the 1000s and very active. only thing missing is you!

Improving UI objects in Fusion


Any plans to enhance the built-in objects more core towards applications? As an example, the “interface” objects look very dated and like old Windows controls (Windows 95 era even?).

It would be great to get some more modern interface controls, or even interface controls that will take the current theme of the system.

Thanks again, and thanks for 20+ years of a great product line!

Kisguri (Clickteam) :

That is on our radar, most likely a version 3 improvement, Bu I to work on App dev for Oil companies, and the told me to get what I need to make the apps as good as possible. Told me they just raise the price of gas to pay for it. I told that to Yves and Francois seem to motivate them, that don’t want to pay more for gas!

Global events/behaviors/object in Fusion 3


I find mmf helps with productivity and allows me to explore ideas in a very visual way that is pretty unique in game making software. One area that could be easier is reuse of graphics, events and logic across many frames. I have settled in a work flow of global objects and event behaviours which help especially with spreading one version of events across many frames. What can we expect in Fusion 3 that will make working across many frames easier?

Kisguri (Clickteam):

Run Clickteam Fusion Games Onto

Fusion 3 is being written from the ground up, and your global event, objects, qualifier issue is one of the driving forces behind that. We do have a Global Event section currently in MMF2 and CF2.5 though.