Waitress Musical Libretto Pdf

Waitress Script

Hon, you've put it off long enough.

Alexander Hamilton. How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore. And a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a. Forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence. Alexander Hamilton. How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore. And a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a. Forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence. Waitress is a musical with music and lyrics by Sara Bareilles, and a book by Jessie Nelson. Based on the 2007 film of the same name, written by Adrienne Shelly, the musical tells the story of Jenna Hunterson, a waitress in an unhappy marriage to her husband Earl. The Musical - Piano/Vocal Selections Ghost - The Musical Songbook and over one million other books are available for the score is really something Boom - Come to Your Senses Nothing-Stops-Another-Day-Ghost.pdf With YouGhost the Musical - 2011 FULL SCORE.pdf. Ghost the Musical - 2011 FULL SCORE.pdf. NOTICE: Purchasers of this musical file are entitled to use it for their personal enjoyment and musical fulfillment. However, any duplication, adaptation, arranging and/or transmission of this copyrighted music requires the written consent of the copyright owner(s) and of Musicnotes.com. Unauthorized uses are infringements of the copyright.


- You know what.

- You know what.

- Negative.

- Negative.

Come on, negative.

- Come on!

- Dear Lord, pleaseprotect ourJenna

from the hell of unwanted pregnancy.

I don't need no baby.

I don't want no trouble.

I just want to make pies.

That's all I want to do, make pies.

I thought you weren't sleeping

with your husband no more.

He got her drunk one night.

I shouldnever drink.

I do stupid things

when I drink,

like sleep with my husband.

Oh, no!

Looks like a pink line

is forming. Sh*t.

One line or two lines?


One line or two lines?

Two lines! The control line

and the other line,

- the bad line, the 'yes' line.

- Let me see that now.

Two lines, two definite lines.

There's no mistaking them.

What's going on in there?

We have customers!

Where are my waitresses?

Hold your balls straight, Cal.

Jenna ain't feeling well.

What's wrong with her?

It's none of your business,

you blowhard.

I'm fine, Cal!

We'll be right out.

Hurry up!

Hon, you okay?

Shh. I'm inventing a new pie

in my head.

Tomorrow's blue plate special.

I'm calling it

'I Don't WantEarl's Baby Pie. '

I don't think we can write that

on the menu board, hon.

Then I'll just call it

'Bad Baby Pie. '

What's in it, honey?

(singing in hum) 'Baby don't you cry, gonna make a pie, gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle'

It's a quiche of egg and Brie cheese

with a smoked ham center.

Sounds good, baby.

I ain't nevergoing to get

away from Earl now.

You going to tell him?

I'm not sure.

If my plan comes true and I

can make my big escape from him

in a couple months,

maybe he never even has to know.

Are you sure it's his child?

You know everything I do.

I ain't never cheated.

- Ah...

- I'd never do that.

- Eh...

- I feel sorry for you, Jenna.

I mean, I'd do anything

to meet a man, and Becky's

husband is a senile fruitcake.

- Dawn!

- Well, I'm sorry, it's true.

But now here you are,

married to this handsome guy.

Who's got very good hair.

Who's got very good hair.

And pregnant with

a little girl.

How do you know it's a girl?

- We don't know it's a girl.

- But neither of us

would tradeplaces with you for

one second.

Now would we, Becky?

No, we wouldn't, Dawn.

No, we wouldn't.

Except, just once in my life,

I'd like to be able to make

a pie half as good

Waitress Musical Libretto Pdf

as Jenna can make a pie.

- Yeah, me, too.

Waitress Musical Libretto Pdf

Oh, come on.

So what if I can make a decent pie?

- Who cares?


- Look at this, Jenna.

As you can plainly see,

my right boob is much higher

than my left boob

and Dawn here has

pasty, pasty skin.

I'm stuck in a marriage

to Droolin' Phil the Invalid,

and Dawn eats TVdinners alone,

but still, we wouldn't

rather be you.

I do have pasty, pasty skin.

Yeah, I know, you're here.

See you tomorrow, honey.

Good luck.

- And if you do tell him you're...

- Shh!




Hiya there, Earl.

Waitress Musical Libretto Pdf Free

We all just agreed that your hair

is super attractive.

Hooray for you.

- Woo-hoo!

- Woo-hoo!

I don't care if she is a pie genius.

I wouldn't tradeplaces with her.

No, me neither.

You don't look happy to see me.

Are you happy to see me?

Yeah, I'm happy to see you.

Even brought you a piece

of today's special,

'Kick In The Pants Pie. '

(singing in hum) Baby don't you cry, gonna make a pie, gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle

Cinnamon spice custard.

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Related shows or resources: Waitress

Is there any idea when Waitress might be released. I am from a very tiny school in the middle of Kansas that is doing live theatre - with a LOT of Covid percautions- and am needing to find a show that fits our needs and it is PERFECT.

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Waitress Musical Libretto Pdf Printable

Related shows or resources: Waitress
If a show is restricted (ie. Waitress) can you still get license to use one or two songs in a musical revue?
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Available soon?

Now that Waitress has closed on Broadway, is there a timeframe available for general release / licensing?

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License for Waitress

Any idea when the rights will be available for Waitress?

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