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Humans turned ???2,024 members · 1,081 stories
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It totally depends on number of views rather than number of subscribers. Answering to your question,Youtube pays $7.65 per 1000 ad views. If all the 10 million subscribers watch the video, the math would be $76500. Truth warriors and verity sentries, the primary political focus of this channel initially pivoted decidedly towards the 2020 “election.” And how couldn’t it? The CV1984 claptrap is prolix.

Youtube For Mac 10.6.8

  • A Human that can shape shift into a Black kitten explores Equestria
    ·3.6k words · 74 7 ·2.7k views
  • A wolf awakens and is destined to become the protector of the Everfree forest, and maybe more.
    ·7.4k words · 171 11 ·2.1k views
  • A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.
    ·99k words · 1,225 44 ·15k views
  • If you were thrown into a world of technicolor ponies, what would you do?
    ·36k words · 232 51 ·6.9k views
  • I was sent to Equestria by my boss.
    ·20k words · 97 9 ·1.8k views
  • A man gets a second chance at life... as a pony. How will things work out?
    ·3.9k words · 13 3 ·611 views
  • When I died, I expected one of two things to happen. I would live in darkness or go straight to hell, what I didn't expect is waking up as a kitten in a world from a kid's show.
    ·1.4k words · 61 4 ·1.8k views
  • When young Francis put on a pair of leather boots that his uncle Niko had, he was shunted into Equestria and transformed into an orange cat with the uncanny ability to fence. Now he must find a way to break the curse and go back home.
    ·9.9k words · 99 10 ·3.8k views
  • My sister uses wishes to her advantage...what can possibly NOT go wrong? (sequel to A Day as Vinyl Scratch)
    ·3.5k words · 111 9 ·2.8k views
  • A young, teenage girl is givin a Pon-E pill, and walks again for the first time in nines years, from being paralyzed.
    ·2.9k words · 151 9 ·4.1k views
  • Shes my little sister and i will do what it takes to see her smile once more
    ·35k words · 104 15 ·3.3k views
  • My friend makes me put on a Rainbow Dash costume, the twist, it turns me Into Rainbow Dash
    ·4.8k words · 323 48 ·15k views
  • About a young girl named Jane Winterhood, is slowly dying from cancer and a heart disease. (A conversion bureau, one shot story)
    ·5.6k words · 71 17 ·2.5k views
  • You turn into Vinyl Scratch for a whole day
    ·12k words · 175 16 ·5.7k views
  • Yep, just your basic HiE fic. Except I don't get into Equestria as a human. Or pony. Nope, I just had to get changed into a Helicoprion. If you didn't already know, it's an extinct shark.
    ·11k words · 748 69 ·8.3k views
  • TThe Bounty Catching, Freedom Dreaming, Winged Wolf Phenomenon
    A HiE story about a winged wolf
    ·88k words · 642 81 ·9.3k views
  • Llamas, house cats, insane dogs and humans. Just another day in the life of an Opalescent human.
    ·13k words · 33 8 ·1.5k views
  • A man is turned into a black wolf and finds himself in Equestria.
    ·81k words · 1,767 53 ·21k views
  • Former human turned talking cat amongst talking ponies. This will definately end well.
    ·27k words · 1,104 45 ·15k views
  • Some people gets to Equestria as a 6ft tall cat-warrior... and then there's Jazz.
    ·30k words · 251 15 ·3.4k views
  • Human arrives as Donkey Kong in Chess Game of the Gods Universe.
    ·17k words · 36 2 ·3k views
  • Y’know, I try to be open-minded, but I still never thought I’d wind up taking a trickster god’s place in a world of candy-colored horses. My
    ·6.4k words · 215 10 ·6.7k views
  • A brony in Equestria turned into a well-known tortoise.
    ·6.7k words · 80 3 ·2.6k views
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