Tiling Window Manager For Macos

Main features of the software: 1. Split screen on Mac into multiple sizes and positions by 7 preset window locations 2. Draw the desired size and location for a window by grid 3. Use the keyboard shortcuts to quickly control your window positions 4. Support most apps and keep update all the time 5. Work on a great stability and performance.

  1. Tiling window manager for macOS along the lines of xmonad. A quick screencast of basic functionality can be found here. (It's rough, and I'd love to see a better one if someone has the skills and inclination to make one.) Getting Amethyst. Amethyst is available for direct download on the releases page or using homebrew cask. Brew cask install.
  2. Yabai: MacOS Tiling Window Manager OverviewI wanted to show you an overview of the features of Yabai as a tiling window manager. The default tiling manager that.
  3. Jun 12, 2020 Tiling window manager for macOS along the lines of xmonad. A quick screencast of basic functionality can be found here. (It's rough, and I'd love to see a better one if someone has the skills and inclination to make one.) Getting Amethyst. Amethyst is available for direct download on the releases page or using homebrew cask. Brew cask install.
  4. Amethyst Windows. The dynamic / automatic tiling window manager for windows 10 along the lines of ianyh/Amethyst. A very quick screencast of basic functions is available. Integrated with windows 10 virtual desktops; fully customizable shortcuts; supports multi-monitor set-ups; automatic updates; open source; available for x86, x86-64.

The Mythical Engineer

Are you tired of dragging windows around and resizing them everytime you open or close an app in your workspace?

For the past several years I have tried numerous window management softwares like Moom, Spectacle and Rectangle.

I was using Rectangle since last year and was quite happy with the ability to move windows around quickly with keyboard shortcuts. I used to work on a multiple monitor setup, so it was easy to manage multiple windows and partitions on big screens.

I was working on Linux for a while and bumped on i3wm, which is a tiling window manager. The nicest thing about a tiling manager is you can control nearly everything from the keyboard.

It’s very quick and easy to set up side-by-side windows, and resizing one automatically resizes the other. It really helps on smaller screens, since by default everything takes full space on screen with minimal window decoration.

As I switched back to my 13” Macbook again, I felt the lack of efficient window management on macOS. I started searching for a solution and found this open source project Yabai.

I use most of my IDE and terminal in full screen now due to the shortage of screen size. Whenever I open an app, it splits the previously active and new window in half and after closing it, the active window restores to full screen in a snap. That saves me few extra clicks of resizing the windows again and again.

This has improved my workflow and increased my productivity a lot.

You can follow the steps below to quickly get it running on your system.

Best Tiling Window Manager For Mac

Step 1: Disable System Integrity Protection

  • Turn off your device
  • Hold down command⌘R while booting your device.
  • In the menu bar, choose Utilities, then Terminal
  • Reboot your system
  • Verify that System Integrity Protection is turned off by running csrutil status, which returns System Integrity Protection status: unknown / disabled
  • You can use this while SIP is enabled, but you’ll lose some cool features.

Step 2: Install Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. Similar to pacman on arch or aptitude on ubuntu

Open Terminal and run

Step 3: Install Yabai

Start yabai service

You will get a prompt to allow yabai accessibility permissions. You can navigate to Security & Privacy, then Privacy, then Accessibility.

Now install the scripting addition.

Restart Dock.app to load the scripting addition

Step 3: Configure Yabai

Tiling Window Manager For Macos

Create a configuration file and make it executable

There are multiple options for configuration you can put in yabairc file.Important configuration for tiling is binary space partitioning layout (bsp)

I also like to keep the auto balance on. In this configuration, windows always occupy the same space, independent of how deeply nested they are in the window tree.

Make sure to restart the service to see the changes

Here is a small demo of the working setup.

Let me know your experience after using this window manager 🤟.

Standard Window Manager

* Running CPP and JS Kernel in Deepnote Jupyter Notebook

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